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  • 软件大小: 192MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国产软件 / 操作系统
  • 运行环境: Linux
  • 报告错误: 点此报告错误
  • 软件等级: 3星级
  • 更新时间: 2008-11-23
  • 相关链接: home page TAG标签: Slax   Linux   
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Slax Linux 6.08 Final┊可在直接CD-ROM光盘运行的Linux操作系统┊英文免费版 软件简介:

SLAX 是一个快速而美观的Linux操作系统,它可以在一张CD-ROM小光盘上(3.14"光盘或者USB均可)直接运行,而并不需要安装,制作出来的CD运行是基于Slackware Linux 的发行版本,使用统一文件系统,运行的所有数据都保存在RAM中,这款软件比较适合打算初步认识Linux系统和一些低配置的朋友们.用户名:root 密码:toor

This is Slax 6 release candidate 7.

While you may think it's better then rc6, it may have more issues.
I'm testing new block size in squashfs, so I don't focus on KDE's settings etc.
(By the way, it's using KDE 3.5.8 and kernel 2.6.23)
Moreover I've fixed many bugs in linux live scripts, and my fixes may introduce
another problems. Let's see.

So here is the deal.
- Slax data is compressed by using LZMA compression algorithm.
- The bigger blocks you compress, the better compression, but slower decompression.
- Squashfs supported 64KB blocks only. But now it supports blocks up to 1MB.

* Here is an overview what great results can be achieved using bigger blocks:

* And here is described how it affects the speed of the system:

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